
Engine – Drag and Drop News Magazine – Minisites

Version: 1.8

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $5.00.



Engine – Drag and Drop News Magazine-Minisites
About 50 ad slots including background clickable ads and Adsense responsive support
Mega menus
Category-based minisites:
Custom logo
Custom color
Custom icon
Custom background color and image
Custom layout
AJAX post sorting, pagination, and infinite loading
Left or right sidebar, or full-width posts
Comparison system:
Lightweight and powerful
AJAX-powered and fully compatible with caching plugins like W3 Total Cache
Responsive, streamlined, and beautiful
Requires no third-party plugins
Highlight specific posts
+AddThis integration
Social connect widgets (latest Tweets, Facebook followers, Pinterest, Flickr, etc.)
Subscriber/Follower counts (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Youtube)
Review/Rating system:


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