
FormCraft Premium WordPress Form Builder

Version: 3.9.10

Original price was: $33.00.Current price is: $4.00.


FormCraft Premium WordPress Form Builder

FormCraft Premium WordPress Form Builder – Illustrative List of Features

Amazing new fields (smiley rating, star rating, thumb rating, sliders, range, date …)
Over 23 fields, in all
Retina-optimized images for fields
Responsive forms
AJAX-powered form interface. Send forms without re-loading the page
Form validation
Auto-save form data for the end-user
Conditional laws to show or hide fields, set email recipients, set redirection path
File uploader with support for multiple files
Embed maps, videos and other widgets
Export and Import forms across different installations of FormCraft
Free online form template gallery
Form analytics in WordPress
Different ways to show forms (popup, slide up, fly in, widget)
Drag and drop, GUI form builder
Get all submissions in your inbox
Search through all submissions content
Access all submissions and uploaded files from the WordPress admin
Create multi-column layouts with the click of a button
Get all submissions in your inbox, with attachments for uploaded files
Customize email body for notification
Send auto-responders
Comprehensive documentation
Compressed form data
Dedicated form page
What’s New in 2.0

Re-designed dashboard.
Re-styled forms.
Re-designed popup, fly-in, and sticky forms; now with improved and more snappy animation.
Improved form builder performance for the back-end as well as the front end.
Reduced the number and size of files loaded with the plugin.
Math logic.
Ability to search through form submissions.
Improved conditional logic: now specify multiple fields, separated by comma; conditionally set emails and redirection path
Improved file upload field, with more validation, better styling.
File uploads now appear as attachments in email notifications.
Adding a reset button in text field now works.
Improved captcha – easier to read, and less conflict.
Use Google Fonts with the forms
New and simpler way of using the FormCraft widget to add forms.
Better IE compatibility.
Conditional logic can now be used with the slider field.
Overhauled the email sending back-end.
New form themes.
Ability to bind the popup forms to existing elements on the page, without having to modify the elements.
Alphabetic and alpha-numeric validation now accepts spaces.
Custom styling for dropdown fields.
New method of adding options to checkboxes, radios, and dropdowns. The new method is far more easy, and allows for changing the order.
Radios, checkboxes, and dropdowns can have labels different from their values.
Custom styling for dropdown fields.
Multiple forms with the same ID can now be used on the same page.
Multiple instances of popup forms can now be used on the same page.
Multiple file-upload fields can now be added in one form.
No conflict mode to resolve issue where the theme tries to force styling on radios and checkboxes.
Ability to prevent multiple submissions from the same device.
Removed BootStrap as a dependency. Result: less conflict, more speed.
Ability to change the number of rows for multi-line text fields.
Added Password field.
Style sheets are now loaded in the header.
Ability to customize the email body for notifications.
Support for TLS, and custom ports for SMTP email method.
Changed the charting library. Result: faster loading speed, better charts, and works when not connected to the internet
You can now specify date-range to see analytics for a particular period.
Improved date-picker field.
Made the uploaded files more secure.


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